Saturday, February 16, 2013

Looks like you should be applying now...

At least from the reports in most circuits, it seems there is at least one circuit court judge in each circuit who is already hiring for 2014, if not already done. (I don't think I've seen district court slots pop up yet.)

Still, we don't have reports yet from 2d, 3d, 8th or 10th, or Federal Circuit. Come on, folks, don't be shy! Even if they're not already interviewing, some sense of where they are likely to be in the next couple months would be great.

For those who don't plan to apply to circuit courts, check out the states page -- there are some great tips there about hiring in states that have term clerks (particularly because the states seem to be able to impose a little more order on their systems than is apparent in the federal judicial system).


  1. No sooner did I say district court slots hadn't popped up than someone mentioned an EDKY judge is interviewing…(see the 6th Cir. page).

  2. Sarah,

    Great website. Thank you for doing this important service for all of us clerkship applicants!

    I have a suggestion/request: Could you implement some sort of "recent posts" window? I recall that the Clerkship Scramble (also on Blogspot) had some sort of frame (I think on the right side of the page) that automatically updated with recent postings.

    Presently, I have to click through each of the separate Circuit Court pages to see if new posts have been made.

    1. You're welcome!

      A fair point re recent posts. Because these posts are "comments" rather than posts, it's not as easy to find a "recent comments" widget that works with multiple pages. I have added one that lists 5 most recent comments. I'd like to be able to customize it to make it more useful, but that's a start. Will keep looking for the right gadget/widget.

  3. Not to be overly critical, because this website is better than nothing, but is there no intention to add any sort of content (e.g., the names and addresses of judges, when they hire, etc.) on each Circuit page?

    It seems like that might make this more useful (and, in turn, garner more input).

    1. The models I'm working from have aggregated comments every now and then (and I may start to do that soon) but don't necessarily add a lot of original content (i.e. other than what has been contributed by commenters). If I had time to add original content, it would probably be in the nature of advice rather than comprehensive lists/info (which candidates should be able to obtain from OSCAR, their law schools, etc.) If anyone wants to volunteer to write content, let me know!

    2. OP here. That's a fair point. I think any increase in content would be helpful in terms of increasing activity on the site.

      Also, though I failed to mention it above, I wanted to thank you for this resource. It fills a very important void.

  4. Sarah, as a longtime blogger, I'd strongly recommend occasionally, or even often, adding original content. Here's why? Yes, this blog was mentioned by a lot of influential legal sites when it launched and so people came and quickly shared what they knew then and soon thereafter. But it seems like new information has slowed to a trickle, and at a time when we would expect it to be picking up.

    Original content would drive readership, readership would drive sharing of information, sharing of information would in turn drive more readers, and so on and so on. This blog could fill a very important void, but it's unlikely to do so unless you increase readership and the sharing of information.
